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Meet The Chairman LCV

Rtd Lt. Kiviiri Geofrey Tumehe is a retired civil servant and accomplished politician. He started his political journey as a councilor representing Mpenja Subcounty in the greater Mpigi District. When Gomba District was formed, he was elected the Interim Chairperson of the District. In 2016 he bounced back as Chairperson and he is currently service his second concecutive term as Chairperson on the NRM ticket.

The Chairperson prides himself on lobying, and ensuring that the people of Gomba get what they deserve as far as service delivery is concerned. 

Rtd Lt. Kiviiri Godfrey LCV Chairman
Meet The Chief Administrative Officer

Kisubi Joseph, an accomplished advocate for working for the people. He started working in Gomba February 2022

Health Sector

The health sector efforts are geared towards attainment of universal health coverage through strengthening of national health systems.

Works Sector

The works and transport sector is identified as a key enabler of structural transformation in the NDP 111. To increase the stock and quality of strategic infrastructure to accelerate the country's competitiveness

Community Based Services

The social development sector provides community level activities to reduce poverty and plays a pivotal role to create a necessary conducive environment for other sectors to effectively deliver services.


Education is committed to provision of quality education services for basic skills and human capital development.

Explore Gomba

Gomba is gifted with a diverse culture and multi-ethnic setting, a welcoming people and richly gifted with a hardworking culture mainly in farming and ranching.


Farming in Gomba is mainly subsistance  and majority of the households depend on agriculture more so in the east

Lake Wamala

We collect and mediate disputes of fines and fees from parking tickets. We also manage resident program.

River Katonga

We collect and mediate disputes of fines and fees from parking tickets. We also manage resident program.

Cattle Keeping

We collect and mediate disputes of fines and fees from parking tickets. We also manage resident program.

Long-honed cattle

We collect and mediate disputes of fines and fees from parking tickets. We also manage resident program.

Central Buganda Diocese Hqtrs

We collect and mediate disputes of fines and fees from parking tickets. We also manage resident program.